At LA College Consulting Services we look forward to working with you and your student. We provide personal, individualized and comprehensive services tailored to your own needs. In addition to our comprehensive package for juniors and seniors, we offer middle school, freshman, and sophomore consultations.   Prices will be quoted once we determine level of service required.

Middle School, Freshman or Sophomore Year Consultation: These consultations provide a general overview of the college admissions process and focus on evaluating the student’s current and future academic goals and how to maximize the high school experience. We offer gentle guidance and encouragement without creating unnecessary stress or anxiety about high school or future college acceptances. By demystifying the process and reassuring the student that there are multiple choices of colleges that provide a “good fit” we help create a foundation to build on as they go through the self-discovery process of exploring their personal interests and academic strengths and how that relates to the college admissions and selection process. Following our meeting we provide you with a written summary of our discussion, a student profile, and a list of recommendations.

Introductory Junior/Senior Year Consultation: In this initial meeting, the LA College Consultant will meet with you to discuss your college goals, assess your current personal student snapshot including transcripts, standardized testing, and extra-curricular activities, and discuss the basic steps in the college selection and application process and how we can help. If you decide on a comprehensive package, the fee for the initial consultation will be credited towards the total amount of the junior/senior comprehensive package. A follow-up written report will be provided that summarizes what was discussed at the meeting and includes a list of recommendations for the upcoming months.

Junior/Senior Comprehensive Services Package: A custom package will be put together to address the student’s individual needs, which may include any or all of the following:

  • Information about the college search and admissions process and how it relates to your individual student
  • Consultation with student and parent to assess college goals
  • Individual interests and personality assessment and explanation of how it relates to college choice and potential majors and careers
  • Ongoing review of high school transcripts, standardized test scores, extra-curricular activities, summer activities and assistance with future planning
  • Continuous academic encouragement and motivation  
  • Assistance and guidance in conducting a search for colleges that represent the “best match” for the student and development of a list of schools including “very likely”, “likely”, and “reasonable challenge schools”
  • Organizational help with managing the college admissions process including a Fiske Guide, US Map of Colleges, custom binder, online student portal, and filing system for all college materials.
  • Extensive research of colleges and special programs that may represent a good match to the student’s interests and abilities.
  • Suggestions about college tours and how to get the most out of college visits.
  • Interview preparation including a review of the college and their particular programs, a mock interview covering questions admissions officers may ask and thoughtful preparation of questions to ask the admissions officers
  • Assistance in preparing college essays including brainstorming topics, developing ideas and editing through multiple drafts
  • Recommendations on how to present a complete picture of the student’s personal qualifications in the application in order to maximize potential at each college
  • Aid the student in deciding which teachers (and possibly others) to ask for recommendations and make suggestions as to what information to provide them in an effort to assist them in writing effective letters
  • Provide information and assistance in the financial aid application process and finding scholarship opportunities
  • Support students in weighing admissions offers and working through the decision-making process
  • Suggestions and guidance in making the transition to college

Special Services:

Students with LD/ADD
Visual & Performing Arts students

Please call us to discuss your student's special circumstances. Many times these students need to begin the college planning process much earlier in high school.

Four-Hour Packages: If you are not ready to commit to a comprehensive package, we will meet with you on an hourly basis. Four-hour blocks may be paid for up front and allocated as needed. 

Presentations and Workshops: We do presentations and workshops for groups on any topic related to the college admissions process. Please call for a quote.


Student Portal to Online College Planning Site
Current Fiske Guide
US Map of Colleges
Online Account Manager
Current Fiske Guide
US Map of Colleges
Portable File Box

College Binder 
Portable File Box
College Binder
Deadline Tracking
Texting Reminders
"To Do Lists"
Following Each Meeting
Email Reminders
Text Reminders
To-Do Lists




The College Bound Student-Athlete

Student Athlete There are additional steps to take in the college application process if you want to play your sport in college. Many college athletic programs do not have the resources to actively visit and recruit. It is up to the high school athlete to pursue his athletic goal by identifying colleges, contacting the coaches, uploading game footage to YouTube, and sending in a personalized resume. Demonstrated interest in the college, the athletic program, and being a good match academically are all-important factors in being recruited. We can help you every step of the way to help you find the best academic and athletic match.

Students with Learning Disabilities/ADD/ADHD

Learning DisabilitiesThe college admissions process offers special challenges for students with learning disabilities due to their difficulty with standardized testing, organization and time management. Many families are not aware of how much support they provide their student with learning disabilities during high school. Once the student transitions to college he may be overwhelmed with managing his workload and his personal life in a much less structured setting. Part of finding the right college match for a student with learning disabilities is identifying a program that provides the proper level of academic and social support for the student. In addition to assisting you during the college admissions process we direct you to some great resources to help you make a successful transition to college.

Visual or Performing Arts Students

Performing Arts Students There are many different types of programs and degrees available for the Visual or Performing Arts student.  You must decide how much emphasis you want to place on your artistic discipline in relation to academics. There are additional supplemental forms to complete, auditions to schedule, and portfolios to submit on top of the all the regular application materials. The audition or portfolio at some colleges is the primary criterion for admission. We can help you sort through all the information and help you find the program that is right for you. Beginning the process way before your senior year is critical.